
I am keeping a diary of food I consume and any symptoms as a record for other sufferers of gall bladder attacks and those who have had theirs removed. After suffering a very long gallbladder attack which lasted 9 days with continuous pain, I was fortunate enough to have surgery recently. I had laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery which leaves you with 4 incisions in your abdomen and your body has no way of processing fat thereafter. Hence this diary/blog for other sufferers.

This diary goes hand-in-hand with my Food Blog which I will still keep up to date with gall bladder friendly meals. Feel free to check out my Food Blog. Also feel free to comment here and ask any questions you like. Follow me for my gall bladder ride.

Now about wind - well this is a blog about gall bladders and digestion problems, after all! With any digestion problems comes the dreaded subject of flatulence. Let's put it out there: farts, fluffs, trumps, firing off, letting off, ripping off, gas, stinkies and passing wind - we all do it. It's nothing to be ashamed about because it's a natural bodily function just like breathing. Now I admit I've always been a farter. I guess that is because I never burp. That's right - I can't burp! So I guess the gas has no other escape except down. Therefore this blog will need to include this smelly topic. If you're offended I am not going to apologise because it's a natural part of life.

When I've recorded my symptoms I've included flatulence in this manor: Mild flatulence = 1-5 farts; Medium flatulence = 5-10 farts; Excessive flatulence = more than 10 farts. So there you have it. It's out there for the world to see. I'm not ashamed of farting and you shouldn't be either *barf* O

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Gallbladder diet

Here is a list of foods I have eaten which have not caused me any problems:

Here is a list of foods I have eaten and their symptoms:
  • Beef, Barley & Turnip Soup - medium flatulence (so yummy and filling that I will put up with the flatulence)
  • Beef, Vegetable & Noodle Stir Fry - mild flatulence (will still eat, as it's so yummy)
  • Buttered bread - bloating (will avoid butter from now on. Will try margarine and canola spread soon)
  • Healthilicious Pizza medium flatulence (so delicious I will still eat once in a while)
  • Roast Vegetables - bloating (will still eat, but only a small amount)
  • T-Bone steak with steamed vegetables - medium flatulence. (I love T-Bones so will still eat once in awhile). 
  • Yoghurt with dried fruit, nuts & seeds - bloating (yoghurt by itself is OK)

Foods I must avoid:
  • Butter
  • Flavoured milk in a carton. I drank an Iced Coffee 'Dare' and my Irritable Bowel flared up.
  • Oven-fries - even though they are cooked in the oven, these frozen chips are deep fried prior to freezing, so should be avoided at all costs...major diarrhoea!
  • Salted peanuts

Each day after surgery I improved and by day 4 post-op no pain relief was required. Each day I got less and less tired and was able to remove the dressings on day 5. Couldn't drive until day 7 and wasn't allowed to lift anything heavy for about 2 weeks.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Day of surgery: Wednesday 23rd November 2011

I was to attend the hospital at 11.30am for surgery scheduled around lunch time. I was not to eat anything after midnight on Tuesday 22nd November so I had my last meal at 9pm that night. I was allowed to drink water only up until 8am on Wednesday 23rd November. However I received call from the hospital informing me the surgeon had an emergency so the hospital would call me back when I was needed. I was then allowed to drink clear fluids, including tea. So I drank 2 cups of fresh ginger & honey tea and pottered around the house trying to keep my mind off the surgery.

I sent hubby off the do the weekly shopping because I knew that our afternoon was going to be spent at the hospital. He had only been gone a short while when the hospital rang to say they are back on schedule and to arrive at 11.30 as planned. Doh! So I called hubby back, quickly put the cold food away and we sped down to the hospital. The hospital is currently under renovation with a new wing being built, so parking was problematic...and it was raining! We registered at reception, paid the health fund excess and was shown around to theatre waiting area.

At 12.30pm I was instructed to don a surgery gown, plus my own dressing gown and slippers, which I did then I could wait with hubby in the waiting area until called. About 1.30pm I was called, taken to a room with Heparin was given in my thigh which prevents blood clots, weighed and measured and personal details confirmed. It turns out the nurse taking these particulars is a neighbour so we chatted for ages about the area and the fact our daughters know one another. I had suggested hubby go and eat some lunch because at that time because if he didn't eat then, goodness knows when he would get a chance.

After the consultation with the nurse (neighbour) I was sent to another waiting area for about 30mins where I read two magazines. At about 2pm I was taken to the waiting room just outside theatre (whatever that is called), was introduced to the anaesthetist (a lovely old fellow), the theatre nurses, and met again with my surgeon. He asked if I had any questions. I asked the time (2.50pm) and if I could see the gallstones afterwards. He said that wasn't possible as they are sent immediately off to pathology  =(

I was then cannulated and the anaesthetist explained what was going to happen. I told him I was very nervous but he assured me everything would be fine. He explained the cannula was used for the anaesthetic, plus the waking up drug, plus the drip later on in recovery and for any other pain medication. I was then wheeled into the theatre room. It looked just like it does on hospital TV shows with a huge circular light above the table. I had to wriggle across from my hospital bed to the table which was quite narrow. Then I was given the anaesthetic and some oxygen. I felt the anaesthetic starting to flow through my veins, visualised a sea of red rose petals, then I must have drifted off to sleep because the next thing I knew I was waking up.

Upon waking, I immediately was thirsty, started calling for my husband and was uncomfortable. I was fidgeting around a bit, but there was a nurse beside me the whole time with reassurance. She asked about pain and I told her I was sore. I heard her tell another nurse to get some Endone. I spoke up that I didn't like Endone (that is what my GP gave me during my gallbladder attack and it freaked me out). So she asked if I wanted morphine, I agreed as long as I could see my husband. I was given morphine and then wheeled around to my room where hubby was waiting. I was shivering - not because I was cold, just shivering due to the morphine I guess. I didn't like the feeling, but within a few minutes I relaxed.

The pain went away, I was drifting in and out of sleep and chatting incoherently to hubby. He stayed with me for a few hours then when I felt comfortable to be on my own, I suggested he get home for the kids. They would be worried and would also be hungry. So he left and I slept and sipped water on and off.

Sleeping with morphine on board is an experience! You don't quite sleep - you drift in and out of consciousness and are still aware of sounds around you. It's weird. I had oxygen tubes up my nose, a drip in the cannula on my left hand and these pads on my legs which felt like blood pressure bands but apparently they prevent deep vein thrombosis by massaging your calves. It was a strange feeling and I was pretty uncomfortable with all those things attached to me.

During the night I was constantly awoken by the fluids running out - the machine would beep and I'd wake. Or the pads on my legs would beep and need re-charging, or other patients would ring their buzzers, or a nurse would come in and take obs - I didn't get much sleep at all! I was offered a sandwich and cup of tea . But I wasn't hungry so only had the cup of tea which I downed very easily as I hadn't eaten since 9pm Tuesday and it was now 11pm Wednesday. I finally got up about 11pm to go to the toilet and felt so dizzy and nauseas that the nurse had to help me - then she put some maxolon in my drip to stop the nausea. I drifted back off to sleep. At one point I woke up and put the TV on and there was an old episode of 'Skippy' the great Australian TV classic from the 1970's. I tried to pay attention, but my eyes were jumping all over the place - I couldn't focus.

I woke about 4.30am with the birds and noticed the sky was getting slightly lighter, fell back to sleep, woke again at 6.30am and met the morning nurse (who wasn't as attentive as the night nurse) who informed me breakfast would be served at 7.30. Thank goodness - I was hungry now. I watched the Today Show and relaxed, looked at my incisions (well, at the dressings anyhow) then waited for breakfast and hubby to arrive.

My surgeon checked on my about 8.30am and explained the incision in my naval was larger than expected because there was a gallstone stuck and was quite large - no wonder I was in so much pain. He had tried to break it up, but even then it was still large. I'm quite sore in the naval region and if I accidentally touch that area, it hurts. I have another 3 incisions where instruments, cameras, lights and the CO2 were inserted. My surgeon told me to expect pain for a few days, that it's OK to take Panadol or Codeine for it, not to touch the dressings for 5 days, not to drive for 5 days and not to lift anything heavy for a week. He said I should be back to normal in about 3 weeks. I should get lots of rest and do overdo it. My throat was dry and a little raspy due to the tube which was inserted to help me breath under anaesthetic.

When I arrived home I was greeted by cards and flowers from my parents and mother in law and felt very loved. I thank them very much and they brighten up my house.

So here I am on Friday 25th November and still in bed. It hurts to move, to bend, to stretch, to turn over in bed even! I didn't realise how much I use my stomach muscles for movement. My throat is still sore and dry. It is making me cough and coughing actually hurts! Hubby and the kids have been a great help - tidying up, looking after the pets, washing, clothes washing and meals. I am being spoilt right now. I wonder how much I should milk it for?!

Foods I've eaten since surgery with no side effects:
  • Cups of tea with light milk
  • Cups of herbal tea
  • Orange juice
  • Water
  • Apple
  • Salmon, white rice and steamed vegetables
  • Ham and beetroot sandwich on seedy bread
  • Wholemeal toast with tomato, salt & pepper
  • Toast with jam
  • Red Lentil & Carrot Soup
Will continue to keep this journal now I am gall-bladder-less, so stay tuned  XD

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Countdown to surgery : Day 12

  • 1 and half weetbix
  • 1/4 cup light milk
  • Small sprinkle sugar
  • 2 cups tea with light milk
  • Vitamins

Morning tea:
  • Espresso with light milk


Mild flatulence

Note: I awoke feeling great again, no pain anywhere. I busied myself getting ready for surgery and recovery so I did lots of house work and to-do lists for the family. Ended up exhausted and needed a lay down. Surgery is tomorrow and the hospital called to say I can't eat after midnight tonight and only drink water up until 8am. I am to be at the hospital at 11.30am. I won't blog until I am able to - hopefully next weekend. Wish me luck. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Countdown to surgery : Day 11

  • 1 and half weetbix with light milk, small sprinkle sugar
  • 2 cups tea with light milk
  • Vitamins

Morning tea:
  • Skim milk cappuccino 
  • 1 apple

  • 3/4 cup dried fruit, nuts & seeds
  • Cup ginger and honey tea
Mild pain in tummy, like I've eaten something passed it's use-by date. I was going to have a crusket or sandwich, but honestly didn't feel like eating anything else.

Mild chest pain, back ache and mild flatulence.

Note: Awoke feeling great and energetic with no pain until afternoon. I'm sure the back-ache was due to sitting in an uncomfortable chair at the cinema for 2hrs. There was no reason for the chest pain in my opinion. Minestrone soup is full of veggies and I only had a small bowl so that is a mystery. 2 days until surgery.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Countdown to surgery : Day 10

  • 1 scrambled egg with 1 sliced mushroom, salt & pepper
  • 1pc wholemeal toast (no butter)
  • 2 cups tea with light milk
  • Vitamins

Morning Tea:
Espresso with light milk



  • Vegetarian Spaghetti Bolognaise
  • For this recipe I eliminated the cheese & sun dried tomatoes. I also did not use any oil. I simply put the Quinoa, pasta sauce, tomato paste and vegetables in a pot and simmered for 10mins.
  • Cup of tea with light milk going to bed
Well...a slight pain in my abdomen but nowhere near the gall bladder. It's down low on the left near the appendix...weird!

Bowel movement (first in 3 days). Very light and fluffy. Only 3 days until surgery and I'm getting nervous.  @.@

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Countdown to surgery : Day 9

  • 1 and half weet bix
  • 1/4 cup light milk
  • Light sprinkle brown sugar
  • 2 cups tea with light milk
  • Vitamins

Morning Tea:
  • Small tub yoghurt with dried fruit, nuts & seeds
  • 1 cup fruit/vegetable juice
  • Espresso with light milk

  • Smoked light ham, carrot, cucumber, tomato, ricotta cheese wrap (Mountain Bread Rice Bread)
  • 1 cup fruit & veg juice
Bloating and mild shortness of breath

Afternoon Tea:
  • Apple
  • 5 salted cashews
  • 3/4 cup light milk
Mild flatulence

Felt very full. Must have eaten too much.

Note: Woke up feeling great again with no pain in abdomen or back. I used to have a glass of wine while making dinner, now I have a cup of tea. I'm very happy that espressos don't have negative affects. If I can't drink alcohol anymore, at least I don't have to drink coffee too  :) No bowel movement for 3 days though so took 3 Coloxyl tonight.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Countdown to surgery : Day 8

  • 1pc wholemeal toast
  • 1tsp ricotta cheese spread
  • 1 tomato
  • Salt & pepper
  • 2 cups tea with light milk
  • Vitamins

Morning Tea:
  • Espresso with light milk

  • 2 cruskets with smoked light ham, beetroot & grated carrot
  • 1 cup diluted pineapple juice

Afternoon tea:
  • Small tub yoghurt with dried fruit, nuts & seeds
  • Cup tea with light milk

  • Griddled chicken breast and salad wrap
  • Ginger and honey tea

  • 1 mango
  • 1 cup tea with light milk

Note: Woke feeling fantastic. No pain in abdomen or back at all. Feeling very energetic and did some housework as there's lots to do before I go into hospital. I want the household to be up to date before I have to be off my feet. I noticed that my skin has a few large pimples. It must be all the toxins leaving my body...I hope.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Countdown to surgery : Day 7

  • 1pc wholemeal toast
  • 1 poached egg
  • Pinch of salt & pepper
  • 2 cups tea with light milk
  • Vitamins

  • Handful of nuts, dried fruit and seeds
  • 1 skim milk cappuccino
  • 1 apple
Mild flatulence


Note: Woke up feeling great with no pain or shortness of breath. No panadol required. The egg for breakfast was the first egg in 2 weeks. The egg posed no problem and gave me enough energy for several hours. Today's coffee was the first in about 8 days and it was lovely and posed no problem either. Had my first appointment with the surgeon today. I have been booked into the local private hospital for next Wednesday (6 days away). He said surgery is the only option in my case  =[

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Countdown to surgery : Day 6

  • 1 piece wholemeal toast
  • Light smear Vegemite (no butter)
  • 2 cups tea with light milk
  • Vitamins

Morning Tea:
  • Small tub yoghurt with dried fruit, nuts & seeds
Bowel movement...finally. Instantly felt lighter and less bloated.

  • 1pc flat bread - Mountain Rice Bread
  • Small piece triple smoked light ham
  • 1 tablespoon crated carrot
  • 1/2 lettuce leaf
  • 1 tsp Ricotta cheese spread
  • 1 cup diluted pineapple juice
Mild diarrhoea

Afternoon Tea:
  • 1 apple
Mild flatulence

Mild flatulence

Note: I awoke today with no back ache, no shortness of breath and feeling very good. Decided to do the grocery shopping. It's the most exercise I've done in 2 weeks. The walk got my bowel going (plus the Coloxyl I had taken the previous 3 nights). I managed to cart all the bags up the 58 steps, then needed a rest. Occasionally there would be a slight stabbing pain in my right shoulder blade, however no pain relief needed today at all. An overwhelming feeling of being lighter and healthier!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Countdown to surgery : Day 5

  • 1 and half weetbix
  • 1/4 cup light milk
  • Small sprinkle of brown sugar
  • 2 cups tea with light milk
  • Vitamins

  • Left over pasta salad

Afternoon tea:
  • Small tub yoghurt with 1 tablespoon dried fruit & nuts
  • 5-6 water crackers

Nil after dinner, mild flatulence after the apple.

Note: I woke up with back ache again so needed 2 panadol, heat pack and  a lay down until it passed. I also needed Ventolin again this morning due to shortness of breath. I needed more panadol after lunch and another lay down. I laid face down in the sun on the deck and the heat was really therapeutic on my back. I only came inside when I started to burn! Day 3 without a bowel movement. Getting scared! Took 3 Coloxyl before bed.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Countdown to surgery : Day 4

  • 1 and half weetbix
  • 1/4 cup light milk
  • 1/4 tsp brown sugar
  • 1 cup diluted apple juice with freshly grated ginger
  • Cup tea with light milk
  • Vitamins

  • 3 cups of steamed cauliflower, broccoli, and zucchini sprinkled lightly with salt & pepper
Bloating, mild flatulence and back ache returned requiring laying down with heat pack.

Afternoon tea:
  • Small tub yoghurt with 1 tablespoon dried fruit & nuts

Mild flatulence

Note: This morning I awoke with back pain so after a long hot shower I took 2 Panadol and laid down with the heat pack on my back. I also felt short of breath and needed 2 puffs of Ventolin. I needed another lay down, 2 panadol with heat pack in the afternoon. No bowel movement today (for the 2nd consecutive day) so I took 2 Coloxyl tablets before bed. Today I sipped diluted apple juice with grated ginger for a detox affect. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Countdown to surgery : Day 3

  • 1 piece wholemeal toast
  • Half cup cooked corn kernels
  • Salt & pepper
  • Cup tea with light milk
  • Vitamins


Afternoon tea:
  • 10-12 water crackers with salsa
Mild flatulence

  • Small T-Bone steak, fat removed
  • Steamed broccoli, cauliflower and potato
  • Tomato and zucchini ratatouille
  • 2 cups tea with light milk
Slight bloating probably due to drinking 2 cups of tea with dinner. This is the first time in a week I've eaten red meat. I ate the veggies first then could only manage about 6 mouthfuls of meat.

I needed Ventolin this morning due to a tightness in my chest, like shortness of breath. Back ache during the early evening requiring heat pack. I swept the decks and stairs today then sat in a fairly uncomfortable chair for an hour or 2 so those reasons could be to blame (as apposed to the actual gall bladder). No bowel movement today so took one Coloxyl tablet before bed.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Countdown to surgery : Day 2

  • 1 and a half weet bix
  • 1/4 light milk
  • 1 kiwi fruit
  • 1 cup tea with light milk
  • My usual daily vitamins: 1 vitamin B, 1 glucosamine and 1 omega oil tablet (herewith simply referred to as vitamins)
Tummy rumble, slight pain and bowel movement within 30mins which began very firm, but turned into minor diarrhoea. Felt instantly better afterwards. Tomorrow I will have same breakfast but eliminate the kiwi fruit - I think it may have been the suspect!

Morning Tea:
  • 1 measured cup fruit/veg juice

  • 1 crusket with ham, mixed lettuce leaves and grated carrot with cracked pepper
  • 1 peppermint tea

Afternoon Tea:
  • 1 small tub yoghurt with 1 tsp of dried fruit and nuts
  • 1 apple an hour after the yoghurt
Minor chest pain and bloating

Minor flatulence

I woke up feeling very well today and didn't need any pain relief. I had a slight pain in my back, but it's manageable. This will be day 2 without pain tablets. I did some housework and got a back ache which subsided once I laid down and rested for awhile with the heat pack.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Countdown to surgery : Day 1

  • 1/4 cup bran flakes
  • 1 broken weet bix
  • 1/4 cup light milk
  • 1 cup tea with light milk
  • 1 Glucosamine tablet

Bowel movement within 30mins which was fairly firm, but not hard.

  • 1 crusket with sliced ham and lettuce
  • 1 measured cup multi-fruit juice


Afternoon tea:
  • Small yoghurt with 1 tablespoon dried fruit & nuts



Slight rumble in the tummy after 20mins which lasted 10 seconds; minimal flatulence. I assume this was due to the peanut butter being oily, even though I had only about 1/8 of a teaspoon drizzled over my chicken.

After dinner:
  • 1 apple
  • 1 cup of tea with light milk
  • 1 measured cup of milk going to bed 
Mild flatulence (see note above rating flatulence)

No pain relief today which could be as a result of the left-over morphine and panadeine forte which the hospital gave me last night, but could also be because I have cut out fat for 5 days now and have halved my meal sizes. Since the gall bladder attack started (did I say 9 days ago?) I have felt hungry but full and bloated at the same time. When I eat I can only eat very small portions therefore get hungry between meals. It is recommended that people with no gall bladders have regular small meals/snacks instead of 3 large meals a day. It seems I am already in this pattern. I will resume regular vitamins tomorrow.

Welcome to my Gall Bladder Diary

I will be keeping a diary of food I consume and any symptoms as a record for other sufferers of gall bladder attacks and those who have had theirs removed. I am due to have surgery in the near future and have currently been suffering one very long attack (9 days now). I've been to my doctor and the local hospital, had an ECG, a chest scan, taken Panadol, Panadeine Forte and Morphine to tide me over until the surgery.

This diary goes hand-in-hand with my Food Blog which I will still keep up to date with gall bladder friendly meals. Feel free to check out my Food Blog. Also feel free to comment here and ask any questions you like. Follow me for my gall bladder ride.